


Window Box

More flowers from my mom.  I really like the orange and purple combination here.  Plus there’s a hint of purple in the orange flower too.


Purple Fuzz

More flowers, yay!  This is another one where the wind was wreaking havoc on my ability to get something in focus.  However, I sort of like the “fuzz” about this one.



Have I mentioned how much I love my macro lens?  It’s not obvious is it?  I really need to bring my monopod though when I use it, especially for these closeups.  The slightest breeze really makes it difficult.


Sarahs Glasses

Are we seeing a theme here?  I’ll give you a hint, pictures of flowers and Sarah.  Hopefully this weekend I’ll have some new stuff to put up.


Red Begonia

The pistil and stamen on begonias always look so funny. Almost as if they’re sea anemones or something along that line.


Green Orb

Still more shots from the fourth.  I haven’t gotten out lately, just haven’t had the desire.  Anyways, this is a glow-in-the-dark orb thing in one of my mom’s planters.


Soft Sarah

Another shot of Erin’s cousin.  There’s actually not a whole lot of post processing on this other than some soft blur and a slight recrop.  I wish she was looking at me a bit more as to get more of her eyes, but overall I definitely like it.

I’ve also created a new view, the Calendar.  I’ve really liked this on other people’s sites, so I wanted to see what it would look like here.  Needless to say, it really shows my lazy times. 🙂  Let me know what you think.  Keep the big bunch of images as the archive, use the calendar, or both?

abstract, favorites


Not sure what flower this used to be, but now only the shell of the seeds is left.  Another shot from my Mom’s garden taken over the fourth.



The color contrast and the blue chips in the asphalt roof shingles force me take this image.

I think I’m going to be revaming a few things on the site.  Most notably, now that I’ve started using lightroom, I’m probably going to be sync’ing the keywords/categories.  Also, for certain shoots that I do, that other people may want to have access to, I’ve setup the Events and Places section.  From there, you will be able to view proofs of all the images.  This will work best for people wanting full copies and what not.


Torch Flower

Yet another flower from my Mom’s garden.  You can slightly see another specimen in the lower corner, but I really like how the grass sets this one off.