

landscape, macro

Leaf and Water

As per the usual, it’s been another long drought here.  However, if you haven’t been paying attention to the galleries, there are usually new things that show up there.  Nolan has definitely been keeping us busy (next image will be him!), which means not as much time to focus on things like this.

Amazingly, this wasn’t taken too long ago.  I’ve been snapping a few pics here and there, just need to process them for the website.  Loving the green and water beads on this one.


Leaf Bug

Saw this guy while I was cleaning off the fence this afternoon.  When the wind picked up, he’d rock back and forth to imitate.  Hilarious.




I’ve been going through some of my Lightroom libraries, and came across this one from when my family was in earlier in the year.  Maybe it’s the time of the year (spring), but I’ve been doing a bit of cleaning, and thought I’d do the same with Lightroom.  In the past, I’ve been importing everything I take, but I think I’m going to start pruning a bit of my imports.  I’m not getting crazy and only keeping the ones I think are great now, but I’m definitely going to stop importing any that I immediately mark for rejection.  It’ll help save a bit of space too!


Chia Seeds


Yow-Yow was enjoying some chia seeds steeped in hot water, and we noticed that they began to separate into this cool pattern.  Needless to say, I grabbed my camera, a smaller glass of them, and headed into the sun (22C here btw today, best winter ever).  The reason the are suspended is because of a gelatine of some sort that surrounds them once immersed in water.  It’s sort of like a tapioca ball with a crunchy center.

Anyways, as you can see, I took a bunch from different angles.  While I like the main one the best, these next three are pretty sweet too!

abstract, macro

Untitled 2

As you can see, a lot of changes have happened here recently. I’m still backfilling a about 3/4 of the images. Please bear with me. I wanted to get some of it up and keep downtime to a minimum.

More macro shots from the beach after the storm on Tasmania.  I can’t wait to get back there and capture some more great washed up ocean stuff.

australia, food, macro, still life


Well, it has officially been one year in Australia as of tomorrow.  Looking back, it has been an interesting year.  Not having snow, or any day even remotely close to snowing was definitely a plus.  However, it is hard being this far away from family.

I’ll hoping to have a post here shortly about the breakdown of things here in Australia so far.  However, in the meantime, here’s a picture of a (of MANY) lemon on the tree in our backyard.  Today was a gorgeous and clear day, and I’ve been wanting to get the combo of green, yellow, and blue for awhile now.  Enjoy.


favorites, macro

Sea Star

Shocker, it’s been awhile since I last updated…again. I’ve got tons of photos to go through, there are just a few network issues with the new place, oh and time.

Within the last month we went and saw some incredibly exciting semi-final Australian Open tennis action, along with visiting both the Great Ocean Road and Tasmania. All of which you should start to see trickle on to the site.

Today’s image is from Tasmania, and specifically along the 9-mile beach. The day we arrived there had been a storm and the bay was incredibly turbulent. That lead to many strange and colorful sea creatures being washed up on shore. This is the underside of a sea star and is currently my new desktop wallpaper.

I still can’t get over how incredibly gorgeous the water and landscapes are there. Can’t wait to get back!

In other news, the D4 and the D800/800E were announced. Based on the type of photography I am into, I’m definitely looking at picking up a D800/800E (probably the E, just because). I’m not sure how I’m going to transition from a 6MP camera to a 36MP camera, but I’m sure it’ll be yet another challenge.




In our back patio/garden area, we have a rose bush that is also inhabited by some bougainvillea.  It’s actually pretty cool because the rose bush just finished blooming, and now we have the red of the bougainvillea popping through various areas.  I just wish the rose bush wasn’t so thorny.  Talk about a pain to maintain.




I really like this picture even though it doesn’t fall within my normal likes.  I think it is more to do with the colors than anything.  It was captured at dusk in the Chinese Gardens in Dunedin.

Less than a week until I’m back on a plane heading home!



More coolness from the Speight’s Brewery in Dunedin.  I hadn’t been using my macro lens all that much until I went there.  It definitely reminded me how much I love that lens.  It also reminded me how much I love the industrial pictures.  Industry and landscapes; somehow that combination makes sense in my head.

Less than 25 days left in Singapore!