Ice Columns

Sorry about not putting any update up yesterday. I had all intentions to on Wednesday night. However, we had a work gathering of sorts, and I didn’t end up getting home until around 2 AM, slightly drunk. Needless to say, I didn’t feel like processing any images. I promise I’ll try to do better. It doesn’t help that it’s been so cold too, it really has a tendency to sap all my energy, among other things.
Speaking of cold, I figure this is a good picture for as cold as it’s been lately. It was taken when I was up in St. Joe a few weekends ago for a, belated, Xmas lunch. For as much ice as their was on the pier, I was somewhat amazed how there was no ice at all on Lake Michigan.
Oh yeah, I guess I haven’t really said anything about my vacation to AZ. It was good. It wasn’t quite as warm as I’d hoped it would be (only wore shorts once, and that was when I went running), but it was nice to get away for awhile. Unfortunately, coming back from vacations, no matter how short is always a pain in the office. Thankfully as of yesterday I actually got completely caught up. Granted, I did come in 1-2 hours early Monday-Wednesday and then didn’t leave until around 7:30 each day. It feels a lot better to be back on top of things though, that’s for sure.
Yeah, and I broke my camera. I don’t want to really go into it today, but I’ll be sure to post something about it tomorrow.
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