Welcome to Melbourne

Well, we have finally made it. After a lot of talk, and quite a bit of quick action, Yow-Yow and I have arrived in Melbourne. It took a lot of travelling to get here (including a 6 night stop at the St. Regis Kauai), but so far, we are enjoying it a lot!
Today’s shot is from our balcony in our temporary living arrangements in Southbank. From our living room, we look out over the river and into the CBD. Behind the tall buildings on the right is where the Australia Open is played too. I didn’t realize it was so close to downtown. You can see the full-sized image if you want, but be careful, it is large (2MB!).
Tonight we are heading to an AFL game, as it is the finals and one of the guys here wants to see it before potentially having to leave. I’m sure we’ll have some fun pictures of that. Plus, being that this is a new place for me, I’m sure I’ll keep posting about our adventures!
Stay tuned for more Melbourne posts!
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