I guess I won’t go two days without an image…
I guess I won’t go two days without an image…
At the Desert Museum there is an exhibit that is full of hummingbirds. It’s an aviary for just hummingbirds. You walk in and these little guys are flying all over the place. Definitely one of the best exhibits they have there. When you walk in there’s a sign that says to be careful because the birds will fly right up next to you in order to eat the bugs. While we were in there on lady had a brightly colored sweater on and there were two almost perched on her investigating.
Oh, I also love the blues that the sky has with the polarizer. Simply amazing.
After repositioning the camera and tripod a few times I finally got this shot, which was the one originally in my mind. Sadly, I think I like the first one better though, the mistake one. Funny how that works. After getting this, I packed up and went back home. I was so upset that I didn’t take the time to get any shots of the night sky like I wanted to.
I’ve been having these feelings that the quality of stuff on the website is slowly going down. I think the next round of images I have planned will help somewhat, but it makes me wonder if I’m trying to hard too do the everyday thing. Should I slow down and try to put images up that I care more about? I keep looking at the thumbnails and thinking that the original images were definitely some of the best. However, those were also taken over a 6 month period.
I have this problem, that everything has to be perfect, or as damn close as I can get it to be. That’s why this is starting to drive me mad (and I imagine why the whole art side never really panned out to begin with). A part of me feels that if I don’t think I’d frame it and hang it up, why am I putting it on the site? However, another part of me says that this is how you get better. Sadly, since I’ve been back from AZ, I haven’t taken my camera out once, except to get it fixed. I hope the “photography” funk relieves me soon, because I really love doing doing it (and hell, I’ve spent way too much money).
As promised, I would start posting images of my AZ trip. I figured I’d get these traumatic images out of the way first, just because. Anyways, this was the first image right after I had broken the information LCD on my camera. I was trying to remove the tripod center column when the top, with the tripod head on it, fell onto my camera. What was funny is that I didn’t even realize it at the time. It wasn’t until I was trying to setup this shot that I noticed it was broken.
For setting up the camera by hand, without actually being able to look through the viewfinder, since it was so close to the ground, I was pleasantly suprised. The lighting is actually not done by me at all, but from the outdoor lighting the neighborhood has setup lighting each of these saguaro catci.
This is the last of the beach shots, at least until I go visit it again. Starting tomorrow, I’m going to start posting shots from the AZ trip, including a photo from the shoot where I broke the camera.
I’m not sure exactly why ice formed in these footprints, but it adds something different to the typical footprints in the sand.
It was a grey, typical winter Michigan day when I was up there. I’m suprised the people were actually fishing out there as the pier was completely covered in ice.
This is another fusion of the sand, snow, and wind. The sand is actually on top of the snow and not peeking through. It’s very interesting, and I’m surprised the snow doesn’t melt because of it.
I am definitely fascinated by bright, loud colors. It’s hard to tell from a lot of the pictures I post here, but bright contrast is something I’m always looking for. Living in the city, with all the dirt and grime, makes that hard at times, which is why I like visiting other places. These cones were actually arranged in a octahedral type shape, with the noses all pointing out.
I wish I lived along the beach so I could take strolls, like this gentleman, whenever I wanted. Granted, I do kind of live by the beach, but being in such a large city takes away from the peacefulness of the walk. Especially with cars on Lake Shore whizzing past at breakneck speeds.
I got my camera back today! Talk about awesome turn around. It took them less than a day (compared to 2+ weeks if I had sent it in), plus it was only $150. I also got the viewfinder for the Nikon F fixed too! It was just missing some screws, but the guy replaced them all, even the ones I didn’t notice! Awesome service over at International Camera.
The beaches along Lake Michigan in the winter are very different than the summer months. It’s amazing how much sand is deposited on the west coast of the lake. This is one of the mixings of the snow, sand, and dune grass. You get these interesting, delicate structures that are all covered in sand, just like it fell from the sky.