It’s my birthday.
It’s my birthday.
And old parking sign for a long forgotten lot. Actually, the lot was recently used, but apparently the city’s records warehouse doesn’t have the need for it anymore, since it has sat empty for the last 4 months or so.
I’m sorry if you haven’t been able to reach the site lately, or if it’s been unbarably slow. As I mentioned yesterday, the site has been going up and down a lot because of my host, Dreamhost. It’s been so bad lately that I’m starting to get ansy and look for new places. If anyone has a good host that they use, please let me know.
I am loving the warm weather. Too bad it won’t last.
My host, Dreamhost, has been having lots of problems with the server I’m located at so I wasn’t able to get an image uploaded last night. I’ll have something for tomorrow though.
This picture looks so much better with more than 800 pixels. Unfortunately, it’d look horrible on the site as it needs to be huge. And yes, there will be a nighttime shot from the same place sometime this summer. It’s been too cold at night to head out to the same place, but rest assured, it’ll happen with the tripod this summer.
Hopefully I’ll have some new, flower shots soon. Maybe even something from outdoors.
I didn’t get this one posted last night because I was so tired. But here we go, some bananas and a peach!
As you can see, from those of you that actually visit the site, the new design is live! There’s actually one small piece missing. I think if you visit the about page, you may see what I’m talking about. Maybe. And for those of you that don’t visit the site, I’m sure you still noticed that even the RSS feed has changed. That’s right, no more small images in the feed, but instead full sized ones! Such a treat!
Feel free to let me know of any problems you come across by posting in the comments. However, the site is so simple now (it went from around ~15 templates to 6) that I’m pretty sure I found all the bugs.
Anyways, this is a pic of my little baby saguaros I have in my room. Using the macro lens, you see so much more detail than what you can normally see. Like I had no idea the needles were red.
No updates on the new site, as I wasn’t able to work on it at all today. However, these little magnetic guys are fun. Not cheap but fun.
Yay, I’m almost done with the new site. I knocked out quite a few issues yesterday after work. Now, all I need to do is figure out where I want to put the comments/info link on the main page, and update the about page. Looks like I could go live here in the next few days!
Obviously this isn’t a real tree, but instead a candle of sorts. I actually moved it from where it originally was for the light. Again, this was when I was bored, and it was cold out. Thankfully that’s changing.