

favorites, macro


I know that I said I had a bunch of images to put up. Well, I still do. I’ve just been incredibly busy. Plus I’ve recently gotten my SB-800 flash, so I’ve been playing with that on the side. I really need to get some rechargeable batteries for that thing now (along with all my other AA battery eating devices).

This week will definitely have more updates, as I’ve already processed many images.

favorites, macro


Furniture shopping tomorrow, or at least browsing as I don’t have any money.  Need to figure out what I want first I suppose.

Not sure why my internet connection at home just clicked back on, but I was finally able to get the images uploaded.

favorites, still life


Yum!  This is by far one of the best breakfasts ever!  I love a nice fresh grapefruit in the morning.  I get mine from Stanley’s, where do you get yours?

I don’t know for sure, but this could be the last picture, at least for quite awhile.  I think I just lost all motivation.

favorites, macro

Dying Daisy

I was finally able to get out and take a few pictures with the macro lens.  Wow, talk about a different shooting experience.  It’s definitely going to have to take some getting used to.  To begin with, I really need to remember to take it off of auto focus continuous.  With the incredibly shallow depth of field, a small little movement causes the camera to focus on another part, which makes things I don’t want in focus and vice versa.  There are some pretty interesting other shots that I may put up.  I have another one of this daisy, but face on and the petals are the only thing in focus.  It looks quite strange.  Hopefully I’ll be able to get out and use it a bit more this week.

favorites, macro


I just can’t get enough of the colors in this shot.  The beautiful aquamarine blue against the dark red rust.  Awesome.  The dimpled texture of the anchor also draws me in.

This was taken earlier in the spring time while they were replacing all the boat anchors in one of the harbors in Lake Michigan.  The original shot had the observatory in the background, however, it was too distracting and took away from the colors.  With the number of anchors, and their relative height to each other, the picture really lended itself nicely to the 16×9 crop.

favorites, macro

Piano Keys

One of the best assignments I think I ever did was the depth of field assignment in Photo I.  I’m still amazed that I was able to get this shot.  The lighting was absolutely horrid, and as you can see for the stats below, my shutter speed was borderline on generating camera shake.  This is actually the organ down in Erin’s parent’s basement.

I really like the way the lines work with this image.  Some people, I image, aren’t going to like that only a small section of the photo is actually in the focal plane, and therefore in focus, but I think it adds to the image.  My goal later is to explore more macro type photos, but for now, this will have to do.

city, favorites


This was originally an image that I took for my Digital II photography course.  The assignment was to photograph shadows.  Originally, in class, everything was black and white, but I really like the way the brightness of the orange and red offset the background.

Many in the class thought that this was taken at night, but actually it was during the a very bright day.  All of the objects in the background, and even most of the subject were hidden in the shadow cast by a large building.  Not really all the much else to say, except, yeah first real image!