This is again from our wedding. We finally made it to the Waimae Canyon, which is known as the Grand Canyon of HI. This is from one of the spots along the Canyon Drive (550), but I don’t remember which.
I would highly recommend heading up there as it is incredibly beautiful, and when you’re coming back down be sure to stop in at Jo Jo’s. As the reviews point out, the macadamia nut ice cream is the greatest thing ever.
Yum, beer! I wish I could get a reliable supply of Speight’s here in the states. Every type they had was quite delicious, but the Old Dark was probably my favorite. I’m getting thirsty just thinking about it!
I’m digging back in some of the archives already. I think I have a fairly repeatable process with Lightroom, Director, and WordPress setup. However, I only started doing all that workflow within the 6-9 months. That means I have 5+ years of some fairly good images that I can slowly go through. The downside, is it takes awhile to browse those images as they aren’t rated and organized quite as well. I guess that is part of the fun, eh? And since I seem adverse to taking new pictures, this is currently the only way.
Anyways, this is from my first trip to Paris, back when I proposed to Yow-Yow. I noticed I have a lot of really good pictures from then and want to get them put up. Specifically, this image is from the Rue Mouffetard Market in the 5th Arr. If you haven’t been, I highly recommend it. I have another picture of the rotisserie chickens dripping their deliciousness into potatoes, but it didn’t really turn out. It’s all good stuff there.
This is a great one demonstrating how large the ferns are in the rain forest areas of the New Zealand. While not on the same trail as the previous photo, I am pretty sure both trails have similar aspects: rain forest, sub-alpine, and alpine.
Now that I have a few images lined up, I’m going to attempt to become more regular and post main photos at least twice a week. The goal is to have them hit Monday and Thursday, so be ready. I should also have random blog posts thrown in too. Be sure to check them out if you haven’t been keeping up. It was something I added awhile ago without any great fan fare.
Look at that, a new picture! I’ve been going back over some of my images (as promised) and realized how many awesome shots I have from NZ. I think we’re going back to the nature theme for a bit, as I had flagged a lot of really good ones, and they don’t need a lot of work either.
Here is one of the better panoramas I was able to get while descending on the Kepler trail. I highly recommend taking a look at the full sized version (careful, it is a 2MB file), because this image is composed of 11 other images. There is a lot of detail in there, that you simply won’t get from the image above. For example a few points of interest in the panorama (from left to right):
The far left of the image, you can see the path and stairs we took to get down to where I took the pictures.
To the right of that, there is a saddle, and you can see the path heading up the arete.
You can see Lake Te Anau, and the town of Te Anau on the shore.
The big slide is visible, which is a large landslide that happened in 1984.
Lots of rugged scenery and mountain names I probably should’ve paid attention to.
All the way on the left is the Hanging Valley emergency shelter
I think the image encompasses around 350 degrees of view, as my left and right don’t quite meet, but are very close.
Due to SPG having a certain promotion happening right now, a colleague and I are hopping between hotels here in Singapore. We knew that we we had a special rate at the Marina Bay Sands, but were never able to actually get it. That is, until yesterday and tomorrow nights.
Having not paid the S$20 to go up to the Sky Park before, I was very excited to be able to actually use the infinity pool. Needless to say, even though it wasn’t the nicest day out, it didn’t disappoint.
Our rooms had pretty decent views too. Granted, we were in the cheapest rooms (floor 22 or below), and we looked out over the ocean and construction. Still not horrible by any stretch. Nothing like some panorama action via the cell phone.
Once I get home, I should be able to post some real pictures. The sad part is that my cell phone is bad, and makes me wish for a better camera, as does my Point and Shoot.